Trademark registration made simple, bye-bye billable hours.
Search for free if your brand is available for trademark registration. You can apply for your trademark registration in less than 10 minutes.
Trusted by hundreds of stellar brands
Save time with a streamlined application process
Go through the trademark search and registration process in just a few clicks. In less than 10 minutes, you will get a proposal tailored for your needs.
Save money with a transparent flat rate fee
You can save up to 80% and finally get rid of traditional billable hours. At the same time, we’re offering you unlimited advice from our trademark experts. No hidden fees, and yes, our customers are happy.
Mitigate risks with trademark surveillance
We will be your caretaker and we will provide you with an incomparable peace of mind. You’ll be notified of any trademark infringements, monitor your trademark portfolio, and plan your IP strategy as you grow with an advanced trademark platform and AI-powered analytics.
Goodbye cloudy process
Hello transparency
Trademark Search — Risk assessment
Free, in real-time & unlimited
Trademark Management Platform
User-friendly platform
Trademark filling process
Crystal-clear & fast
Trademark monitoring — Surveillance
You can chill a full-service is included in your subscription
Flat rate subscription & cost-effective
Amazon Brand Registry ready
We’ve got you covered
Customers type
Save a ton of time while making cost-effective and educated business decision
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Enter a new era of trademark management
We’ve helped ambitious brand around the world operate way more efficiently. Let us help you.
Why choose Digip?
For more than 3 years, Digip has been working to make trademark data more transparent, accessible and actionable. How? By transforming raw information into trademark intelligence.
Our 500 customers have understood this since they use us on a regularly to better understand and influence their business decision.
99% of them trust again year after year. It’s also because we’re building a solution that continously evolves based on their feedback.
“There is a before and after Digip”: many of you tell us. With Digip, you are more relevant, more responsive but above all more serene.
Trusted by hundreds of companies around the globe
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