Solución de protección de marcas comerciales

El primer paso para crear una marca es elegir una marca original

Como emprendedor en ciernes, tiene un gran negocio. ¡Es rentable y está emocionado! Ahora es el momento de elegir una marca adecuada.

Imagínese construir una marca con un nombre ideal, logotipo, diseño de producto, sitio web activo y copias de anuncios, solo para ser detenido poco después y acusado de infracción de marca registrada. ¡Y no sabías nada de eso!

The first step to branding your business is choosing and registering a trademark. Your trademark, including brand name, logo, tagline, and even your product design and packaging are all part of your company’s valuable assets. It’s the face of your company, and the primary way your brand will be identified by both customers and investors.

Con la protección de marca registrada, su marca tendrá derechos exclusivos para usar su marca, esto mantiene alejados a los imitadores.

Una marca comercial única y bien protegida simboliza la reputación, la buena voluntad y el reconocimiento de su marca. Entonces, ¿cómo comienza su búsqueda de una marca comercial única?

Aquí hay 3 pasos para comenzar en el camino correcto.

1. Elija qué regiones y países desea proteger su marca.

With the world continuously merging into a global village, online marketplaces and e-commerce businesses are growing stronger and becoming more profitable with each passing day. This new reality makes international trademark protection more important than it’s ever been.

Taking your business global has never been easier, but unfortunately, trademarks are highly territorial.

Having exclusive rights to a trademark in the EU does not give you such rights in USA, China, or other parts of the world. International trademark protection helps your brand expand and go beyond the shores of its home country without the risk of facing a trademark infringement lawsuit. Apply for trademark registration as early as possible in your key markets increases your chances of getting accepted, else someone else may obtain the exclusive rights to your brand.

2. Use una marca que no describa su negocio (no use café para un negocio de venta de café)

Muchos expertos en branding aconsejan a las empresas emergentes y a las nuevas empresas que elijan un nombre descriptivo para su negocio. Su razón es que transmite de inmediato lo que su marca está a punto de los clientes y es más fácil de captar por los motores de búsqueda.

Los nombres de marca únicos y memorables, no los descriptivos, son más fáciles de registrar.

This may seem smart and easy, but it also comes with many downsides including a much higher probability of being unable to receive trademark protection under international trademark law. For instance, Apple for computers, Amazon for an e-commerce store, instead of “LawnPros” for a lawn care business. Your trademark should be distinct and not descriptive.

3. Elija las clases de marcas comerciales que coincidan con los productos y servicios que vende.

The European intellectual property office (EUIPO) divides trademarks into 45 different categories; 34 for products and 11 for services. These categories are called trademark classes, and the EUIPO uses them to keep track of the hundreds of thousands of trademarks filed each year. Each trademark class provides information about the type of good or service that the mark represents.

Presentar una solicitud de marca registrada en la clase incorrecta hará que su solicitud sea NEGADA y la tarifa no es reembolsable

When registering your trademark, it is very important to file the application in the proper class, and any mistake about this may get your application rejected. If you are dealing with a new product or service, placing it in the right class may be difficult. Accurately identifying the trademark class to which your products or services belong may take some research and expertise. You can use our best practice trademark protection guides to get some pro tips.

En su búsqueda de una marca comercial única, puede pasar por alto estos rigurosos pasos si nos permite ayudarlo. ¡Busque su marca comercial en ahora!

Registrar nombre de dominio

¿Sabe qué sucede después de presentar su solicitud de marca registrada?

Branding is the basis of building a solid business as it embodies the goodwill, brand reputation and recognition. The trademark of your company is a critical asset and you’ve decided to have it registered and protected by law. So, you have your application underway, but do you know what happens after you file your trademark application?

Está bien, ¡sacámoslo

¿Qué sucede una vez que se presenta su solicitud?

Once you file your trademark application and it arrives at the EUIPO, your application is first given a number, then someone will look through it to see if everything is in order and as it should be. You’ll receive a receipt that acknowledges that your filling has been received and is being processed in the digip platform. Then you wait for a few months.

Antes de que se registre, su marca se publica para las objeciones del público.

A lawyer working with the EUIPO will review your application to determine whether it is consistent with the requirements. The reviewer will also determine if your mark is qualified for trademark protection under European Trademark Law; your marks must not contain generic names or descriptive words for your business, must not infringe on an existing mark and must be filled under the appropriate trademark class.

If there are any corrections to be made in your application, you will be notified by us with recommendations on how to proceed. If the reviewing lawyer does not find any fault with your application, then it is published in the EUIPO’s Official Database for the public to review. If nobody objects to the registration of your mark, it gets registered.

Un dominio que se corresponda con su marca es el más ideal para su negocio

While your mark is in the public’s eye, anyone can choose to get your mark registered as a domain name before you even get the chance. Of course, once you have exclusive rights to the mark you can get the domain name surrendered to you by law. But wouldn’t it be much better to avoid domain name disputes by registering one for your mark even before you file your trademark application?

Utilice la plataforma digip para registrar su nombre de dominio antes de que su marca se haga pública.

Digip completa la solicitud de marca registrada

Si bien es un experto en la gestión de su negocio, es posible que tenga muy poco conocimiento legal de lo que se necesita para registrar con éxito una marca.

The digip platform will manage your application and recommend any changes to improve your chances of getting approved. Many prompt legal decisions are taken during the process of getting a trademark registered, we only involve attorneys where it really matters speeding up the process and saving money.

Si lo hace bien la primera vez, su marca será aprobada mucho más rápido, deje que nuestros abogados expertos supervisen su solicitud de marca registrada.

While your trademark application is under review with the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), issues may arise that need prompt response and an Office Action will be filed. An Office Action from the EUIPO must be handled urgently and accurately, otherwise you risk having your mark rejected. Every step of the way, our trademark experts and attorneys monitor your application until it’s approved. You can also follow your application and receive updates in your digip customer zone.

Obtener la aprobación de su marca comercial nunca es suficiente, usted tiene el deber legal de protegerla de infracciones

While the EUIPO gives you exclusive right to use your mark, they do not monitor how it’s used. The duty to protect your mark from infringement is yours. Now you may be wondering how you can focus on building your business while also watching the marketplace for copycats. But you don’t have to. As your trademark attorney we take up that responsibility from you. We monitor both new trademark filings once they are published for infringement and authorized users of your mark. Once we find an infringement of your mark, we take the appropriate action immediately.

No hay necesidad de luchar para hacer esto por su cuenta. Ofrecemos búsqueda gratuita y satisfacción del cliente al 100%. Tiene derecho a un reembolso completo hasta el momento en que presente su solicitud ante la EUIPO.

Solicitud de marca

Así que ha dado el primer paso hacia la construcción de una marca sólida al registrar su marca comercial. ¿Ahora que?

Congratulations! You’ve successfully registered your trademark and taken the first actual step towards building a reputable brand. But don’t get so caught up on celebrations because the work isn’t over just yet. Yeah, even after the rigorous process of filing and waiting for your mark to be registered, you’ve still got some more work with protecting your mark and monitoring the mark for infringements on your mark.

Sin embargo, lo primero es lo primero; una vez registrada su solicitud de marca, almacenaremos sus certificados de registro de marca en su zona de Cliente. Entonces, ¿qué sigue?

Utilice siempre los símbolos de marca correctos

During your trademark registration, you were probably using TM (™), but once your mark is registered you will have to start using the small R in a circle ®. The sign ® should appear on your websites, on your product packaging and labels, on your marketing copies and everywhere your brand name appears. This is the correct usage and establishes the strength of your mark. Using your mark correctly will make the public aware that the mark is registered and protected by law. Remember that even after registration, trademark protection is based on correct and active usage

Consejos profesionales sobre cómo optimizar y ampliar su cartera de marcas

Recuerde renovar su marca de inmediato

Once registered, your trademark will need to be renewed promptly to stay viable. Newly registered trademarks are usually valid for at least 10 years before you’ll need to file for renewal. And the renewal date is usually the date of the first registration.

Una vez registrada su marca europea, podemos escalar fácilmente la protección de su marca a otros países fuera de la UE. Será

La plataforma Digip gestionará y garantizará la renovación de su marca.

Después del registro de marca, almacenaremos su certificado de marca en su zona de cliente.

Puede rastrear fácilmente el estado de su marca y encontrar su fecha de renovación en la plataforma digip. También gestionaremos cualquier comunicación de las autoridades con respecto a su marca comercial en su nombre.

Monitorear las presentaciones de nuevas marcas registradas y el mercado

La protección y los derechos de las marcas comerciales dependen del uso activo y no solo del registro, e incluso después de que su marca esté registrada, deberá monitorear el mercado para descubrir a cualquier persona que pueda estar usando ilegalmente su marca registrada.

digip informará cualquier solicitud de marca comercial similar para que pueda evitar que alguien copie su marca comercial.

If you do not find an infringement on your mark and take action promptly, the infringement won’t stop and your mark will be weakened. And if your mark is not actively used, an infringing party may claim that your mark is not in use, therefore their use of the mark has made it legitimate and strong, so they can claim it.

No es necesario que luche para hacer esto por su cuenta, le brindamos todos los consejos de expertos para proteger de manera proactiva su marca registrada.