No more trademark headaches

Get an overview of your portfolio in one click. Take full ownership and protect your whole trademark portfolio today.

Trusted by +400 customers in +40 countries.

Trusted by hundreds of stellar brands

Your entire trademark portfolio at first sight

Get an instant overview of your portfolio status for your core markets. Make strategic and educated decisions based on your growth markets and understand where you are at risk so you can act quickly.

One place to rule them all

Tired of endless hunt trying to gather all your trademark information managed by several firms? Say no more. Now you can gather them in one single place and instantly have the data without having to ask for it. Just log in.

The safe place for all your trademarks

We will be your caretaker and we will provide you with an incomparable peace of mind. You’ll be notified on any trademark infringements, monitor your trademark portfolio and plan your IP strategy as you grow with an advanced trademark platform and AI-powered analytics.

As seen on

Why choose Digip?

For more than 3 years, Digip has been working to make trademark data more transparent, accessible and actionable. How? By transforming raw information into trademark intelligence.

Our 400 customers have understood this since they use us on a regularly better understand and influence their business decision.

99% of them trust again year after year. It’s also because we’re building a solution that continously evolves based on their feedback.

“There is a before and after Digip”: many of you tell us. With Digip, you are more relevant, more responsive but above all more serene.