wipo trademark

  1. Protect Your Brand Without Trademark Registration

    No Trademark Yet? 3 More Ways to Protect Your Brand

    Here are some steps you can take to protect your brand before you get it trademarked.

    Trademark, Domain
  2. Online Trademark Services: Why Use Them?

    Online Trademark Services: Why Use Them?

    Should you hire a trademark service? In this blog, we discuss the ins and outs of online trademark services and how to choose the best one for your business. 

  3. Should I Trademark My Business Name?

    Should I Trademark My Business Name?

    Do you need to trademark your business name? Check out this blog to see if your business can benefit from trademark registration.

  4. A Complete List of International Trademark Classes

    A Complete List of International Trademark Classes

    Applying for an international trademark? Here's a list of all 45 Nice trademark classes with examples, used by WIPO, EUIPO, UKIPO, USPTO, and more.

  5. Can I Trademark My Name? A Guide for Influencers, Artists, and More

    Can I Trademark My Name? A Guide for Influencers, Artists, and More

    Misrepresentation and infringement become more common as you grow your influence. If you are a public figure, consider trademarking your personal name.

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