Domainnamen registrieren

Wenn Sie eine neue Marke einführen, registrieren Sie immer einen Domainnamen, bevor Sie Markenschutz beantragen

With the explosion of the web, a domain name for your business is now an important step before filing for a trademark. The domain name is an online identifier for your brand, same way your mark identifies your brand offline, and clearly differentiate your brand from competitors.

Ein Domainname und eine dedizierte Website verleihen Ihrer Marke auch internationale Sichtbarkeit und erweitern so Ihre Reichweite

Domain names may not be recognized as intellectual property and protected by law. However, your main domain name should correspond to the brand name which will be subsequently registered as a trademark, this way, you have your brand protected. Getting your domain name before you complete your trademark is absolutely important because it prevents your unique brand name from being snatched up and registered as a domain name before you get your mark registered and fully protected

Sichern Sie nicht nur Ihren Haupt-Site-Domainnamen, sondern registrieren Sie auch Domainnamen in Schlüsselmärkten.

Digital marketing strategists and branding experts will tell you that having keywords in your domain name helps your website’s SEO, and it does. While obvious and descriptive names are not ideal brand names due to the difficulty in getting them registered and protected, you can get around this by registering important keywords in your industry as domain names, and pointing them to your major trademarked domain name..

Mit verschiedenen reichhaltigen Schlüsselwörtern können Sie einzigartige Websites erstellen und die Erzählung in diesen Produktbranchen steuern.

On the internet, keywords are incredible marketing tools as they drive organic traffic to your website. Potential customers type in specific keywords on search queries and then click on domain names containing the keywords they used. This is a very effective way of gaining visibility online and driving free and organic traffic to your website.

Und schließlich registrieren Sie Ihren Domainnamen bei einem guten Hosting-Dienstleister

Registering your domain name goes beyond deciding on what names and keywords that will make up the domain name, it also involves finding the ideal domain name registrar and web hosting service provider. Among the many factors that make a domain registrar ideal is the number of top-level domains they have access to. All domain registrars do not have access to the same TLD’s: .com, .co, .net, .io, .org, .biz, etc.

Bietet der Registrar also Ihren gewünschten Top-Level-Domainnamen an?

Be sure your domain registrar is authorized to register domain names, has a good reputation, excellent customer service and support. Do not register your domain name with the cheapest deals you come across, chances are they do not offer all services you need to scale and grow your business.

Registrieren Sie Ihren Domainnamen beim besten Domainnamen-Berater, los geht's!

Digip übernimmt die Registrierung aller Domainnamen

Möchten Sie eine reibungslose Domainnamenregistrierung? Lassen Sie die digip-Plattform Ihre Domainregistrierungen erledigen

Finding the perfect name for your business can be a challenge on its own, and once you find a name that works for you, don’t hesitate to register it as a domain name. Even as you don’t want to register dozens of domain names that you may end up not using, it’s always better to have at least one registered and secured while you brainstorm for other brilliant ideas. Plus, you’ll certainly need these domains for landing pages that will capture visitors and direct them to your main website.

Registrieren Sie einige der häufigsten Keywords in Ihrer Branche als einprägsame Domainnamen, um den organischen Traffic zu Ihrem wichtigsten markenrechtlich geschützten Domainnamen zu lenken.

Since domain names are assigned on a first come, first served basis, the first applicant to request for a given name as a domain name gets it and there is no way of reserving a name you want as a domain name for future use. If you don’t get it registered soon enough, someone else will. However, if your desired domain name has already been registered, our Digip team will help you come up with alternative names to pick from or contact the current owner of your desired domain name to negotiate with them to let go of it.

Alle Domainnamen auf unserer Plattform werden automatisch verlängert und Sie können Ihr Portfolio ganz einfach in Ihrem Kundenbereich verwalten.

When we register domain names for our clients, we also monitor the new domain registrations to flag domain names that conflict with theirs, and advise them on the best course of action. Especially, if your domain name is also a trademarked brand name. Digip also monitors your domain name to ensure they are automatically renewed promptly to prevent cancellations.

Schauen Sie über den Preis hinaus, um den besten Domain-Registrar zu finden; einer, der vertrauenswürdig ist, guten Service bietet und viel Kundensupport bietet

As a business owner faced with the daily challenge of running and growing a business, the hassles that come with choosing the ideal domain registrar and monitoring domain names is a distraction that can be outsourced, and we are here to gladly lift the burden off your shoulders. While you focus on building and growing your business, we focus on keeping your online brand identifier safe and secure and your website up and running.

Möchten Sie eine reibungslose Domainnamenregistrierung? Lass uns gehen!

Richten Sie die Domänennamensicherheit ein

Sichern Sie Ihren Domainnamen mit digip vor Cyberbetrug

Cybercriminals are real and domain name hijacking is an actual thing. Without adequate domain protection and security, your domain name will be at risk of being hijacked. This is a cybercrime where criminals access the domain and change the registration information and make it theirs. When this happens, the original owner of the domain will be locked out and unable to access their domain. These criminals usually sell the stolen domain. Cyber crimes are on the rise thus making domain security and protection an absolute necessity.

Leiten Sie zunächst alle Domainnamen auf Ihre Hauptwebsite um

When you register different keywords in your industry as domain names, you will need to direct all of them to your main trademarked domain name. Multiple domain names containing targeted keywords directed to your main website will send in more organic traffic and boost interaction on your main website. And this doesn’t require that you make any changes to your website.

Richten Sie für optimale Sicherheit DNSSEC, HTTPS (SSL) und DMARC für Ihr Domainnamen-Portfolio ein

Domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC) is a domain name system that translates domain names into numeric internet addresses. Domain names originally weren’t secure and DNSSEC was created to add an extra layer of protection to make them secure against attackers.

Implementieren Sie Domänensicherheit, um Ihre Domäne vor Phishing-E-Mails, Betrug, Cyberbetrug und anderen cyberkriminellen Aktivitäten zu schützen

DNSSEC schützt Domains vor cyberkriminellen Aktivitäten wie Namens-Spoofing, bei denen Cyberkriminelle die Kommunikation zwischen Ihren Kunden und Ihnen mit der Absicht abfangen, den Kunden zu betrügen und Ihr Unternehmen zu diskreditieren.

Another common criminal activity is email spoofing, this is used by hackers to send unsuspecting persons emails that mirror the ones they get from their domain registrar, these emails contain clickable links. Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication protocol designed to help domain owners secure their domains from unscrupulous individuals “email spoofing” on the internet.

Die Digip-Plattform überwacht die Registrierung von Domainnamen auf Verstöße und Betrug.

Wenn Ihr Domainname vorhanden und ordnungsgemäß gesichert ist, ist es auch wichtig, neue Domainregistrierungen zu überwachen und schnell zu handeln, um Registrierungen zu verhindern, die mit Ihrer Domain in Konflikt geraten könnten.

Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Domain vor Cyberangriffen zu schützen und Ihren Domainnamen auf Verstöße zu überwachen. Lass uns reden!